5 Steps To Help You Plan Your Career

The saying goes that failing to plan is planning to fail so if you’ve not given much thought to where your career might be headed there’s never been a better time to grow your personal brand and create your career plan.

It is possible to transform your career by defining where you want it to go – so follow these easy steps for career success:

1. Sit down and think about the goals you’d like to achieve in the next year, now consider where you’d like to be in five years. Ultimately what is your career goal? If you’re struggling with this then sit down and write down the aspects that you love about your job and what you don’t – which will give you a great starting point for defining where you’d like to be.

2. It’s important to set both short- and long-term goals. Those short-terms goals should help you meet your long-term objectives and will give you a sense of success much sooner by enabling you to check your progress.

3. Create a Vision Board and write down all of the above goals, including your personal interests (i.e. vacations/experiences you’d like to have and other treats). Make sure to include photos, images and anything else that inspires you to action.

4.  Don’t forget to check off your progress as you go – perhaps you’ve not hit one target, but have achieved something you hadn’t even planned for. Add all of this into your career plan and keep updating it throughout the year.

5. Find a mentor or coach who’s already achieved what you want to – they can help you stay on the right career path and offer sound advice when times are tough.

Enjoy the times ahead.

Jon Michail is Group CEO of Image Group International, an award winning author and recognised as Australasia’s No 1 image coach. Image Group International supports executives, entrepreneurs and their organisations to become iconic and monetised leadership brands.

He is a regular commentator in international media organsations ABC, CNN, NBC, Harvard Business Review, Entrepreneur, Success, The Financial Review and Vogue.

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