The ‘men in blue ties’ in politics are getting a lot of attention these days especially since Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard raised them again as an issue in a speech last week.
During that time I was conducting a seminar on this hot media topic and the audience members queried me… why was the focus on blue ties and not red for example?
From a media angle there may be different views but from a professional image perspective, the answer is clear; blue ties represent safety, security and establishment; think ‘blue blood’.
The psychology of blue creates an honesty that says I belong in my position as opposed to “I only work here”.
Different shades of blue echo subtly different messages. For example, powder blue is a popular colour with the Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, and if you believe the polls, future Prime Minister. Same goes with past-PM Kevin Rudd, British PM David Cameron and US President Barack Obama. They come across as calm and together in context with their message. however if overused they can lose currency.
Darker blues / navy’s portray a stronger and mostly intimidating stance and if worn in the wrong context they can lose the audience. The message they represent is power and strength, add some gold and you also attain a regal status.
Whatever colour a politician chooses to wear, depends on the key message(s) he wants to present. Love them or hate them, ties do play an important role in presenting the message and politicians know that. It’s also no mistake that Prime Minister Gillard recognises this fact and has decided to make it an issue… her issue.