“Jon Michail is The Master of Executive Makeovers.”
Research-Based Advice
Image Group International is the ONLY image consultancy in the world that aims to be evidence-based via its extensive research. Our advice is based on independent research in combination with our hands on practitioner expertise. We advise our clients on real world problems and our solutions backed by facts not ego based opinions.
We’ve been helping leaders and their teams (over 128,000 participants to date via our seminars and workshops) make a sustainable difference to their business by providing contrarian ideas and tools to be effective in their personal and business lives.
Everyone has expectations for their future… And success means different things to different people. Some are happy to live day by day. Others – like yourself – want much more. You think bigger. You want to move faster. You want to go further. You’re determined to achieve something extraordinary.
Participants to date in our seminars
We are a Core Values company that practices what it preaches.

Australasia’s Leading
Image Consultant
Founder & Group CEO –
Image Group International
Internationally Acclaimed
Personal Brand / Image Advisor

A past designer with the Christian Dior brand, Jon has pursued further studies in International Business Management at Monash University, Australia and Media Relations at RMIT University, Australia.
He has extensive experience in corporate communication, marketing, entrepreneurship, sports management and branding. Jon pioneered the concept of holistic image management and is regarded worldwide as the image advisor’s advisor.
He is the only Australian to win the prestigious International Image-Maker of the Year USA Award. Jon is also a winner of the Hong Kong Bank Business Award for export services and has received many other business and marketing commendations.
Jon and his team coach: leaders, managers and their teams to position their personal brand in a manner that builds, enhances and monetises their corporate brand. This unique hybrid approach to coaching supports everyone in the business to be congruent with the corporate brand and also in alignment with their personal values, identity and objectives at the same time.
The team at Image Group International practise mastery. Their “living your best life” mantra combined with their “runs on the board” expertise make an impactful and sustainable difference to peoples’ lives.
Life Branding – The best selling book published in 2000 has been at the forefront of personal branding since inception.
“To keep the lamp burning we have to keep putting oil in it”
Mother Theresa