by Jon Michail | Jan 6, 2016 | Career Building, Corporate Branding, LinkedIn for Business, LinkedIn for Jobs
By Jon Michail In this issue we introduce you to Part 2 of this article, Part 1 was released on Wednesday 30th December 2015 which opened the discussion about whether you are using LinkedIn to its fullest potential. Tips 11 – 20 are below: 11. Share yourself. LinkedIn... by Jon Michail | Dec 30, 2015 | Appearance, Career, Career Building, Corporate Branding, Entrepreneurship, LinkedIn for Business, LinkedIn for Jobs, Personal Branding, Success
By Jon Michail Is there anyone who isn’t yet using LinkedIn? And if you are, do you use it as anything more than a resume? Used properly, LinkedIn is a powerful tool that enables you to connect with people who can help you to advance your career, build valuable... by Jon Michail | Jul 24, 2015 | Appearance, Career, Career Building, Corporate Branding, Entrepreneurship, Image Consulting, image management, Jon Michail, LinkedIn for Business, LinkedIn for Jobs, Online, Online Branding, Personal Branding, Social Media, Success
By Jon Michail Do you tell falsehoods? Have you ever been tempted to exaggerate just a tiny bit on your webpage, your LinkedIn account or your Twitter or Facebook profiles? And if you have, do you even care that your family and close friends know that you are a...