by Jon Michail | Aug 28, 2018 | Appearance, Authenticity, Personal Branding, Political Branding, Political Image, Politicians, Politics, Success
As the virtual equivalent to the physical workplace, the digital workplace needs the same levels of planning and management to effectively support productivity, engagement and working health. Improving the digital workplace comes down to a few fundamental concepts:...
by Jon Michail | Aug 21, 2018 | Authenticity, Brand, Style
It’s a truism that most of us want to live long, happy, successful, and healthy lives. Unfortunately, in our pursuit of success we often take shortcuts with our health—and wind up suffering from various ailments and disabilities that we could have avoided. Visit... by Patricia Bosa | Jul 30, 2018 | Authenticity, Personal Brand
When was the last time you let yourself be vulnerable? What about the time when you went out for that date? Or when you went out for lunch with your office colleagues? You wanted to have that one extra slice of pizza but didn’t have it as everyone had already finished...
by Patricia Bosa | Dec 12, 2017 | Appearance, Artist, Authenticity, Career, Career Building, Corporate Branding, Corporate Values, Inner Image, Personal Brand, Personal Branding, Success
By Jon Michail Here at Image Group International, we don’t particularly like to rely on personality tests, but we do believe in core values and Taylor Protocols’ Core Values Index TM (CVI TM) as an evidence-based assessment of unchanging values. I find this an... by Jon Michail | Oct 18, 2016 | Authenticity, Leadership, Personal Branding, Success
By Jon Michail Remember when mission statements were The Thing? I remember thinking how cringe-worthy and tacky most of them were while conducting workshops for our clients. They didn’t read well or sound good or inspire any sort of belief in me let alone their staff... by Jon Michail | Jun 15, 2016 | Appearance, Authenticity, Brand Yourself, Career, Career Branding, Career Building, Career Coaching, Executive Coaching
By Jon Michail Effective personal branding is the key to becoming a successful entrepreneur, right? What you mightn’t know is that there are two ways to do this – the right way and the wrong way. It’s oh so easy for your personal branding efforts to become a blitz of...