Our Top 12 Style Quotes

Personal Style Your ‘Personal Style’ comes under the umbrella of your ‘Personal Brand’ therefore, if you are not presenting your best possible image, you are at serious risk of damaging your brand name and reputation. Even if we do not want to...
Thought Leadership And Personal Branding- Myths Vs Reality

Thought Leadership And Personal Branding- Myths Vs Reality

It’s a common misconception that thought leadership and personal branding are the same. The former is about sharing your ideas and insights with the world while the latter is about audience perception. The difference between the two is that thought leadership requires...
Managing your Workplace Reputation

Managing your Workplace Reputation

Workplace Reputation can be flawed. It relies on perception. As a result, reputation and perception changes every time we meet a new combination of people. You can be in a room meeting six introverts but, you might leave the meeting feeling like the chattiest person...
Your Attitude Equals your Altitude

Your Attitude Equals your Altitude

According to Zig Ziglar, a well-known American author and seminar presenter, “It’s your attitude, not your aptitude, that will determine your altitude,” which means having a positive attitude, and a high mindset is a significantly more effective way of living than...