2016 is Here… Renovate Yourself!

I have worked out with wonderful trainers for the last 20 years, but found that with the longer work hours each day that allowed me to leave the city on Thursday night I had no time for a one hour-training session.  I found a trainer in the country, but some house...

IGI In The News: Is ‘corporate casual’ the new work dress code?

By Leo D’Angelo Fisher Workplace dress standards have been in flux since the late 1990s dotcom boom, when hip IT start-ups introduced beanbags, table tennis and jeans to the office. The dotcoms came, went, and came back again, leaving professional workplaces...

Life is not a spectator sport – start monetising your personal brand

By Jon Michail “Stepping out of the shadows and taking ahold of the reigns is daunting for many, and the idea of building a personal brand is almost nauseating — being something only those in the media spotlight do”, said a recent client on a first coaching session....

10 Ways to Build a Disruptive Personal Brand

By Jon Michail A personal brand doesn’t have to be boring or simple and fit in with the flock, where your personality is a clone of whatever archetype you’re perceived as being. Build a creative disruptive brand, a brand with vibrancy, with a sense of modernity,...